You can find all the information about PlayMaker integration here.
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You can find all the information about PlayMaker integration here.
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If you encounter errors with integration, it is possible that a new update changed some things in the code and therefore is no longer compatible with the system integration. If this is the case, you can contact support to receive a hotfix quickly.
Before integrating Easy Build System, make sure you have correctly setup PlayMaker in your project. You can follow this tutorial for the first step:
This video shows you how to import the integration for PlayMaker in just a few steps.
Here the list of the methods that you can call with PlayMaker:
ChangeMode(BuildingPlacer.BuildMode mode) Changes the building mode based on the specified mode.
SelectBuildingPart(int index) Selects a building part using its index in the building catalog.
SelectBuildingPart(string name) Selects a building part using its name from the building catalog.
RotatePreview() Rotates the preview of the building currently being placed.
Place() Places the currently selected building part. Returns true if the placement is successful.
PlaceInstantly(BuildingPart part, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale, bool createGroup = true) Instantly places a building part at the specified position, rotation, and scale.
Editing() Checks if a building part is currently being edited.
DestroyInstantly(BuildingPart part) Instantly destroys the specified building part.
Destroy() Destroys the currently selected building part.
CancelPreview() Cancels the preview of the building being placed.
CheckPlacingCondition() Checks if the conditions for placing a building part.
CheckEditingCondition() Checks if the conditions for editing a building part.
CheckDestroyCondition() Checks if the conditions for destroying a building.
SaveBuildings() Forces the saving of buildings.
LoadBuildings() Forces the loading of buildings.